* Plant Managment *

A page dedicated to those who grow their own...

Ever got stoned and decided to plant those seeds out of that pussy ass dub you just bought? Don't throw them out the window - Plant them and let mother nature show her appriciation!


Growing doesn't have to be difficult, unless you make it that way. YOu dont need to spend hundreds of dollars on high tech grow gear to produce quality buds, and hopefully this part of the site can show you how to produce enough buds for personal use, and maybe more!

-Kollectin' Seedz-

To grow quality organic marijuana, it is reccomended that you purchase, however if you are looking to stay cheep, save the seeds from your stash. When you collect the seeds, wrap them ina plastic baggie and keep them refridgerated until you have about twenty five (25, 24 + 1 more for you drop out stoners). At this time you will start the "germination" process!

-Germinating -

To "germinate", find a tin or container that will fit the ammount of seeds you collected comfortably allowing room between each seed for it to sprout. Place saturated paper towls on the bottom of this tin or container and spread the seeds comfortably through out. (Seeds need their space too - Jus like you!)

Next moisten more paper towls, don't saturate it like the last ones but about half the ammount of water. (if you expiriance rain in your area, I reccomend using rain water, to remain as organic as posible) place these towls lightly on top of your seeds, and close the tin or container they are in. Store this container in a dark, place (ex: closet or under a sink) for about 3-5 days depending on the kind of bud you are growing.

Check on your seeds every other day to see if more water is needed, it should remain room teperature but be as humid as posible. Add water as needed, until they sprout tails about 1in in length. (this also will varry on the kind of bud) once they have grown tails, its time for the next step, Planting!


Planting is the next step, this will really come down to common sence, choose a pot that will contain about 15 seeds (Germinated) with room to grow. Once you have the pot you wish to plant your seeds in, place rocks in the bottom of the pot (be sure the pot you have selected has a hole pre drilled in the bottom ot allow access water to escape fill the pot just under a 1/4 full of roc (You can use any kind) then fill the pot with potting soil near half full. Spread the seeds, randomly on top lightly, do not pack the soil or it will become hard for your crops to grow through to the surface. Water when soil becomes dry and be sure the plant has plenty of sunlight but not too much direct light as this will cause a lower thc level.

-Plant Care-

This section will be added soon! Keep Checkin' back for more updates on "Grow Guide"

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